Tuesday, 29 October 2013


There are three types of montage. They are

  • French montage
  • Soviet montage of 1920's 
  • Hollywood montage
The French montage

The word montage is French . The word montage has the meaning (assembly or instillation). This form of montage is simply just editing in film. So it is when a film is put together and effects added.

The Soviet montage of the 1920's

Soviet montage was created in the 1920's. It was used to covey a message and used for propaganda to indoctrinate people. Soviet montage is when film makers juxtaposing shots together .  These were shots that had little to do with each other. The shots were put together to make a new meaning. This meaning was not in the two shots alone.
There were two main soviet film directors:

  • Lev Kuleshov
  • Sergel Elsestiein

Lev Kuleshov

Lev Kuleshovone was one of the first film directors to come up with the montage with putting the two different shots together. he believed that film making is like building a building brick by brick. You build a wall by each brick building up, you make a film by building shots up until l it is finished. He created an experiment to prove his theory.  He used a old film clip of ahead shot of a Russian actor and different shot were put over the top of it. He showed this to audiences and they made a meaning from the two shots. He got awarded for his work. He summarised that when two shots are  put together audiences will come up with there own meaning,

Sergel Elsestiein

Sergel Elsestiein realised when you put two unrelated shots this  would cause an association  between the two. He showed this in his film strike.
  The film is about the strike in Russia and how the people were treated. The two shots are reinaction if the strike and a cow being slaughtered . he workers are being represented by the cow because the worker were treated like an animal. Then the cow getting slagutered was used to represent the workers getting kill by the more powerful people.

Hollywood montage

Hollywood montage is when a short sequence in a film. The sequence it is used to shorten as long period to fi shorten it. It is used when a charecter is making a improvement in something. An example of this is in Rocky

This scene  is showing the fighter Rocky training for his battle. He at first was not as strong for his fight , then he gets better. A long time frame is shorten to make this scene  shorter. This is also used to show all the training he goes through to make it seem more intense

I made two of my own montage scenes. They are a soviet montage and a hollywood montage

Soviet montage

The intention behind the montage was showing two friends they are having a conversation they seem happy , this is shown by the first image, but then the female character is annoyed shown but the second set of images. The montage meets its meaning because the montage is showing the inner feelings off the charterers. The main scene is showing the story , the images are showing the inner emotions. The montage is used to show a contrast to what is happening compared to inner emotions. The montage is successful because it  dose show the a contrast and makes the audience understand what is happening. But the story would not make sense if the montage was not there. Also there are not many different meanings you can get because what you get in the scene is not that different from the images.

Hollywood montage  

The intention of our montage is to show a normal day at school. The montage is used to show the day the whole day in a short period of time but still show everything that happens.  The montage makes the meaning of the film because it show the day of school and shows the transition from each scene to make it make sense . The film is successful because it shows the whole day of school and the transition through out the day. Also it make the audience feel part of the story. But the story would need a bit of explanation to fully say what was happening. Also the montage does not flow properly because there are some jumps with no expatiation why the character got to the places.

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